Conservation and Volunteering

Fostering a Sustainable Ecosystem

We are committed to fostering an environmentally sustainable, respectful, and thriving local ecosystem and community.

Examples of projects we conduct as part of this commitment include:

Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm and Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Help improve the successional shrub habitat used by resident and migratory birds, as well as by small mammals and other wildlife.
  • Help improve the vernal pool habitat used by salamanders, frogs, and other aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife.
  • Assist the crops manager with planting and harvesting crops.

Preparing garlic for planting

Helping with farm chores

Harvesting Crops

In September, we harvested six truckloads of pumpkins, squash, and gourds. In October, we harvested a few hundred pounds of tomatoes, beets, and potatoes. 

Harvesting beets

Trash Pickup

  • Pick up trash at Draw Seven Park (as part of the annual state-wide COASTSWEEP cleanup), Blue Hills, and Middlesex Fells.
  • Participate in Charles River clean-up projects.

Trash pickup at Fells

Trash pickup at Blue Hills

Trash pickup at Blue Hills

Trail Work in Middlesex Fells

  • Perform a variety of trail maintenance tasks, including: brushing in, brushing out, trash pick-up, debris/small-blowdown removal, and other tasks. 

Clear trails of blowdowns

Many Others

  • Depaved Somerville by using sledgehammers, pickaxes, and wheelbarrows to tear up asphalt from a “yard” in Somerville to allow the property owners to use the former lot for green space!
  • Participated in the Boston Climate Strike, in which we demanded action from our lawmakers on the climate crisis.
  • Plant native species at Spy Pond.